David Gushee’s LGBT articles

Over the course of a few weeks, David Gushee published a series of articles examining in-depth “the LGBT issue.” David Gushee is a prominent Christian ethicist who has been well respected among evangelicals for many years. He co-authored with Glen Stassen the text Kingdom Ethics, which remains a masterpiece of ethical reflection, used in many introductory courses to Christian ethics. Hence, his somewhat unexpected shift from a traditional ethic to an affirmation of same-sex love surprised many and signaled a sea change in the evangelical world. His articles were subsequently developed and reformatted for publication as the book Changing Our Minds.

Unfortunately, many of the internal links from his articles to one another have fallen into disrepair, making the online version of his work far less accessible. As such, I offer an index to the updated links to the series here, in the hope that they will be found helpful.

Starting a conversation: The LGBT Issue, part 1

What exactly is the issue? The LGBT issue, part 2

Change we can all support: The LGBT issue, part 3

Gay Christians exist: The LGBT issue, part 4

Six options for the churches: The LGBT issue, part 5

If this is where you get off the bus: The LGBT issue, part 6

Biblical inspiration, human interpretation: The LGBT issue, part 7

How traditionalists connect the biblical dots: The LGBT issue, part 8

The sins of Sodom (and Gibeah): The LGBT issue, part 9

Leviticus, abomination and Jesus: The LGBT issue, part 10

Two odd little words: the LGBT issue, part 11 (revised)

God made them male and female: The LGBT issue, part 12

Creation, sexual orientation, and God’s will: The LGBT issue, part 13

Toward covenant: The LGBT issue, part 14

Transformative encounters and paradigm leaps: The LGBT issue, part 15

A dual-narrative tour: The LGBT issue, part 16

What I have learned: The LGBT issue, conclusion

I hope that this index proves useful to those researching the issue in good faith. David Gushee’s research is by no means by the final word on the subject, but if it is more than you have ever read, you owe it to yourself and to conversation partners to read at least this much before entering into the discussion.

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